La enseñanza de las ciencias sociales y de la historia ante la identidad y la globalización
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One of the challengest that the treatment of school history, historical time or spatial and geographical thinking in contemporary societies consists of overcoming the construction of a school knowledge of reality based on fugacity and immediacy. The school cannot deny its social commitment and its role in a changing world in which the large population movements,the flows of goods,services and capital invite us to “interchange”progressively, thus eliminating physical barriers for consumer goods and capital but not for people. That is why the school has to be sensitive to these burning social issues as the arena where the cultural differences and the identity processes, based on many of the problems that thsthave occurred in the world in the 20and 21century, begin to develop. In our days, the teaching practice cannot ignore, therefore, a challenge like this in democratic societies. In this paper we will discuss the review of the identities that have been based traditionally on the monolithic hegemonic model of the nation state through key concepts such as space, territory and border.
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