Museum, school and heritage the case of the Salesian Regional Museum of Rawson

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Cintia Navas


Museums are important didactic resources that allow us to look for different ways of bringing history to our students and encouraging significant learning in them, but they are rarely used. Why is it a disused resource? Is it considered an old way?

The following research work will focus on a School Museum, the Museo Regional Salesiano (MRS) of the City of Rawson, province of Chubut, created in 1941 and organized by 6th grade students of the Primary Level of the Don Bosco Institute, together to his teacher, the teacher José Morell.

Despite the long history within the school (82 years) and the recognized importance of museums as educational resources, Secondary Level teachers rarely resort to it, that is, although they do not have to go through the bureaucracy that implies an educational output (project, insurance, transport, authorizations, etc.) they do not use it regularly.

What are the advantages of using it as a teaching resource? Is it attractive to students? Why don't teachers use the MRS when teaching? What is this lack of articulation due to? Is it possible to think of strategies that show the benefits that museums offer?


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How to Cite
Navas, C. (2023). Museum, school and heritage: the case of the Salesian Regional Museum of Rawson. Reseñas De Enseñanza De La Historia, (23), 13–25. Retrieved from


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