The role of writing in learning historical content The behind the scenes of a shared text

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Liliana Cohen
Alina Larramendy


This paper communicates advances of a didactic investigation that studies the functioning of situations of reading and writing in the teaching and the learning of the History. It analyzes aspects of the situation of writing of a didactic sequence centred on the education of different historical explanations on the sudden decrease in aboriginal population from the conquest of America. The situation of writing, orientated to promoting the remaking of the above mentioned contents on the part of the pupils, is realized in pairs or small groups along several classes and implies the rereading of the worn out texts and the writing and rewriting of the own depending on successive returns realized by the teacher. Focusing in the writing process by means of the analysis of the interactions between the pupils and with the teacher during the development of the collaborative writing, the paper proposes to understand the possible relations that this process of writing guards with the learning of the taught contents.


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How to Cite
Cohen, L., & Larramendy, A. (2022). The role of writing in learning historical content: The behind the scenes of a shared text. Reseñas De Enseñanza De La Historia, (9), 167–204. Retrieved from


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