Referring expressions, Referents and Activation States in Chilean Sign Language: Exploring Personal Experience Narratives

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Martín Álvarez Cruz


Linguistic research on Chilean Sign Language (LSCh) has described a variety of resources used for reference and referent tracking in signed discourse. However, the use of these resources has not been systematized as alternatives for referring to a single referent. This study operationalizes the notion of activation state to relate it to five different referential resources. Using the ELAN software, we analysed the resources articulated for representing referents from five personal experience narratives, produced by Deaf signers. Results show that a referent’s activation state influences the choice of resources for expressing it—more resources are available for representing more active referents. Far from being mutually exclusive, these resources are often coarticulated within clauses, both linearly and simultaneously. Additionally, we found differences between noun phrases referring to new and given referents. These findings suggest that referring expressions behave similarly to those observed in other sign languages. This also indicates that it could be valuable to further inquire on a greater variety of referents and in the role of non-manual movements.


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Álvarez Cruz, M. (2022). Referring expressions, Referents and Activation States in Chilean Sign Language: Exploring Personal Experience Narratives. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (6), Q064.
Dossier Estudios gramaticales de lenguas de señas de América Latina y el Caribe


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