Basics and Implications of the Teaching of Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language in the Education of Deaf People

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Gabriela Susana Rusell


Deaf people’s reading and writing skills are improving due to the extended use of cochlear implants and hearing aids (Mayer, Trezek & Hancock, 2021). While these results are encouraging, studies carried out both in English and in Spanish by Lissi et al. (2020); Hartman, Nicolarakis & Wang (2019); Carrero Barril (2017); Humphries et al. (2017); Lund (2016), among others, still show that not all deaf people acquire the level of linguistic competence that would enable them to achieve literacy.

Like Kuntze et al. (2016), we argue that the problem with the practices of reading and writing is the lack of acquisition of the language in which one reads and writes. In Spanish-speaking countries, one way in which the obstacle of the lack of competence in the dominant language is overcome is through the teaching of Spanish using methodological approaches taken from the field of Spanish as a Second or Foreign Language (Vogliotti, Lapenda & Rusell, 2013; Rusell & Lapenda 2012). The antecedent and reference of these approaches is the case of Sweden, the country with the highest levels of literacy among deaf people (Svartholm 2014). The aim of this paper is to present the basics of the bilingual approach –mainly, the contributions in the field of second languages and foreign languages– in order to discuss some of its implications for the education of deaf people and to analyze them in relation to other approaches developed by other paradigms.


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Rusell, G. S. (2021). Basics and Implications of the Teaching of Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language in the Education of Deaf People. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (5), Q052. Retrieved from
Dossier "Habitar la interlengua: escenarios de la enseñanza y la investigación de ELSE en Argentina"


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