Formal semantics. A panoramic view from the perspective of Generative Grammar

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Fernando Martín Carranza


The aim of this paper is to provide a state of the art in the field of formal semantics, a branch of linguistics which relies on logic and mathematics to study systematically how the meaning of complex linguistic expressions is derived. First, I offer an overview of the history of the discipline. Second, I present the logical apparatus that allows us to build a semantic model for truth-value meaning. In the third and fourth place, I introduce some concepts that make it possible to extend the formal system in order to deal with not-at-issue and information-structure meanings, respectively. Finally, I review some of the proposals and discussions on how to use this system to account for a selection of parts of speech and grammatical categories available in natural languages.


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Carranza, F. M. (2021). Formal semantics. A panoramic view from the perspective of Generative Grammar. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (5), Q046. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Fernando Martín Carranza, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET

Fernando Carranza es licenciado, profesor en enseñanza media y superior en letras y doctor en lingüística por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente se desempeña como Ayudante de Primera en las materias Modelos Formales No Transformacionales y Gramática de la carrera de Letras de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Sus tópicos de interés incluyen la gramática teórica, la gramática del español, la semántica y la lingüística computacional.


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