A note about the plural imperative -d marker

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Antonio Fábregas



In this note, we argue that the -d marking that appears in Spanish Peninsular varieties in the context of plural imperatives does not express subject agreement. Our proposal is that its syntactic position is the one of participant clitic pronouns. The reason that triggers its manifestation in plural imperative forms is that the clausal structure of imperatives is impoverished. In order to express orientation of the command to a plural addressee, an interpretable [PLURAL] feature must be introduced in the extended functional structure of the verb, with the clitic area being the only region that is not impoverished in these clauses and thus able to host that feature.


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Fábregas, A. (2020). A note about the plural imperative -d marker. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (4), Q030. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Antonio Fábregas, Universidad de Tromsø-Universidad Ártica de Noruega

Catedrático de Lengua Española, Universidad de Tromsø


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