CCV branching onsets in Brazilian Portuguese: Productive or lexicalized?

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Andressa Toni



This paper aims to discuss the phonotactic productivity of branching onsets in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). We ask whether the frequency of use of a given syllable type or of its segmental sequences can mirror the speaker’s phonotactic competence or if it mirrors a historical accident. To verify the phonological nature of the branching onset structure (Consonant1+Consonant2+Vowel) and of its different segmental sequences (frequent sequences /tɾ, pɾ, bɾ/, infrequent sequences /dɾ, kl, gl/ and marginal sequences /tl, dl, vl/), we analyzed data from a speech corpus and a pseudoword generation task. The results point that i) although infrequent, CCV structure is productive in BP phonotactics, since speakers can use this structure to form new words in the language; ii) frequent and infrequent consonant sequences are equally productive in pseudoword formation; iii) marginal sequences are less productive than frequent and infrequent sequences; iv) although the low frequency of /tl, dl/ and /vl/ is attributed to different external factors (perceptual difficulties; diacronic accidents), both have similar phonotactic status. These results suggest that the frequency of use cannot be taken as a mirror to the speaker’s phonotactic grammar, also suggesting that this grammar distinguishes two levels of phonological productivity: productive and marginal.


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Toni, A. (2020). CCV branching onsets in Brazilian Portuguese: Productive or lexicalized?. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (4), Q033. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andressa Toni, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutoranda em Letras: Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), com bolsa Cnpq. Entre 2018 e 2019 cumpri período-sanduíche na Universidade da Pensilvânia, sob orientação do Prof. Charles Yang. Concluí Mestrado e Graduação (Bacharelado e Licenciatura) também pela Universidade de São Paulo, com habilitação em Português e Linguística. Atuo principalmente nas áreas de Aquisição de Linguagem, Psicolinguística, Fonética e Fonologia, abordando temas como a aquisição silábica (principalmente do ataque ramificado CCV) e a aquisição de processos fonológicos opcionais da fala adulta, tais como a palatalização de oclusivas alveolares, o vozeamento de fricativas alveolares e a haplologia silábica.


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