The area of nahuel huapi over the last century. Tensions on a border region


  • Paula Gabriela Núñez IIDYPCA, CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


Nahuel Huapi, Territorialization, Border, Landscape, Urban development


The region of Nahuel Huapi is a border zone, so it has been interpreted in different ways. These multiple senses can be linked to the way the Federal Government has considered two territorial
integrations, the Argentine- Chilean and the Northern Patagonia with the rest of the country. This manuscript investigates and synthesizes the logics of territorialization that were projected in the
region since the late nineteenth century to the present, from different values and political intentions. The existing studies sustains that regional development, from the '30s, was solved in
clue of tourism associated with the constitution of a protected area. In the next pages we search the various nuances involved in the construction of the senses of the area. We look at changes over
time, evidencing the permanence of meanings still open and in issue, linked to historical tensions and existing social inequalities.


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How to Cite

Núñez, P. G. (2017). The area of nahuel huapi over the last century. Tensions on a border region. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 17(1). Retrieved from