Los recreos escolares como espacios de articulación pedagógica

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Fabián Martins
Federico Pizzorno


Out of our own experience, we have observed that the interests and the demands for changes towards the breaks happen during daily conflicts, and that the diagrammed solutions generally do no foster the desired impacts.

During the breaks, the curricular actions seem to impose themselves to the several mediations associ- ated to the different environments and actors implicated in the educational issues. This tendency favours the naturalization of the events as from which the daily teachers’ tasks are developed.

We are cooperating on the creation of institutional projects that allow us to assume the breaks as a space to educate through leisure.

We share de debates during the teachers’ working meetings, with the objective of pleading the usual meanings. We are trying to find out the principles that oriented their historical composition and try to get through the school’s biographies in order to create a collective proposal for sustainable changes. This redefinition takes us to a revision that exceeds our subject, it directs us to scrutinize the dispositives and the suitable mechanisms for each school.


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How to Cite
Martins, F. ., & Pizzorno, F. (2023). Los recreos escolares como espacios de articulación pedagógica. EFEI (Educación Física Experiencias E Investigaciones), 1(1). Retrieved from
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