Critical and emancipatory internacionalization from a Southern perspective


  • Kyria Rebeca Finardi Universidad Federal del Espirito Santo


América Latina, Internacionalización, Epistemologías del sur, Producción del conocimiento


This experience report discusses the production, evaluation and circulation of knowledge in Latin America, focusing on the role of the internationalization of higher education and languages in these processes. With this objective, I begin the discussion by bringing bibliometric evidence from two works in press to illustrate and discuss these relationships from the perspective of southern epistemologies, arguing in favor of an ecology of knowledge and languages in the internationalization of higher education in the Global South and in Latin America. Academic production on internationalization constitutes an interdisciplinary area that is still expanding and whose recognition is still incipient and strongly influenced by the Global North, as can be seen in the number of citations of authors from that region. The constitution of an epistemology of the South, evidenced in the citations of articles produced by authors from the region, seems to be hampered since cooperation between Latin American authors is small and much smaller than cooperation between Latin American authors with the Global North, a situation that reinforces and perpetuates the status quo and the reverberation of theories and epistemologies alien to the ecosystem of the South. The discussion concludes that in order to allow the constitution of epistemologies of the South in an ecology of knowledge and languages, fostering a more critical and emancipatory internationalization process in Latin America, it is necessary to review and decolonize the strategies of internationalization and the production, circulation and evaluation of knowledge in that region.


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Author Biography

Kyria Rebeca Finardi, Universidad Federal del Espirito Santo

Profesora del departamento de lenguajes, cultura y educación y de los programas de pós-grado en Lingüística (PPGEL) y Educación (PPGE) de la Universidad Federal del Espirito Santo (UFES). Investigadora de productividad Cnpq (PQ).


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How to Cite

Finardi, K. R. (2022). Critical and emancipatory internacionalization from a Southern perspective. REDALINT Magazine. University, Internationalization and Regional Integration, 1(2), 95–117. Retrieved from

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