Particularities of the coup d'état of 1930. The beginning of the national political instability

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Diego Abel Sánchez


The coup d'état of 1930 has been equally an important event in national
political history and a fact somewhat neglected by recent historiography. The
objective of this article is to put into discussion and debate issues that gave
shape and meaning to the context of instability and confrontation that
characterized the Argentine history of past decades. It is intended to make a
contribution that allows a better understanding of this event, trying to
determine more precisely how General Uriburu managed to successfully
carry out the first coup d'etat that attempted against the country's institutions
and against the very foundations of a government legitimized since the polls.
In this article there is a brief detail of the moments before the civic-military
mobilization, referring to its main protagonists, the struggles and differences
between them, the bases of support and the assumption made by the press.
For its drafting, direct sources were used in the Documentary Fund of General José Felix Uriburu in the General Archive of the Nation, the Hemeroteca of the Congress of the Nation and the National Library of Argentina.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, D. A. (2018). Particularities of the coup d’état of 1930. The beginning of the national political instability. Revista De Historia, (19), 109–132. Retrieved from