Religion and State during Rosas’ government: characteristics of a secularist regime

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Gabriel Tomás O’Rourke


In this article we seek to look into the relationship established between state and religion during Rosas’ government in Buenos Aires province. The inquiry that will guide us through the study is the following ¿Can we define Rosas regime as secular? Throughout the investigation we will introduce and analyze a set of sources, whilst integrating into the debate the opinion of different authors. The main idea we support is that Rosas regime had secularist characteristics, implying that fills a religious and mystic framework with secular meaning. We believe to have been able to demonstrate a disenchantment process thorught which the religious rhethoric do not disappeared from the public sphere, but are rather stripped of their transcendent nature which is in trun replaced with a secular one.


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How to Cite
O’Rourke, G. T. (2017). Religion and State during Rosas’ government: characteristics of a secularist regime. Revista De Historia, (18), 157–173. Retrieved from


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