Previous conceptions of the Teacher Education students in front of the beginning of the teaching preparation course: What is and what does a History Professor?

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Karen Elizabeth Catelotti
María Fernanda Pepey


This paper seeks to explain the conceptions with which students arrive at History Teacher Education of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences UADER in his first contact with the teacher preparation course. As fundamental elements we have taken their beliefs about: what it means to be a History professor, what they should know to teach the subject and those areas that can occupy the teacher, putting the focus on what Pipkin defined as the symbolic dimension of student profile. At the theoretical level we have in mind the contributions of García, Loredo and Carranza on the distinction between educational practice and teaching practice, as well as the proposal of Jara and Salto on the pedagogic and didactic dimensions that are specific to the History teaching. The work was performed using semi- structured interviews to the students in the Teaching Practice in History Seminar I, while conclusions can recognize the moments of educational practice, but also the persistence of a traditional view for teaching that relegates to the background the pedagogic and didactic action, while giving little relevance to academic career in front of teaching preparation.


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How to Cite
Catelotti, K. E., & Pepey, M. F. (2015). Previous conceptions of the Teacher Education students in front of the beginning of the teaching preparation course: What is and what does a History Professor?. Revista De Historia, (16), 126–147. Retrieved from
Dossier: La formación de grado en Historia