Societal responses and rights protection in cases of child sexual abuse: an analysis of community and service providers’ perspectives



Rights protection, Sexual abuse, Adolescence, Violence, Programmatic vulnerability


What do professionals of health institutions, schools, and organizations for children and adolescents think about the response offered by their institutions when faced with the disclosure or detection of a situation of sexual abuse against a child or adolescent? What are the opinions of doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, teachers, and community references on the difficulties and positive aspects of institutional action? Does their narration of a case of assistance and protection coincide with their qualification of the response achieved? The article addresses these questions from the perspectives of frontline workers and community leaders, reconstructed through their experiences regarding institutional and community actions and their opinions about the institutional response. Through qualitative social research, whose fieldwork was carried out between April 2021 and May 2022, 13 stories of institutional action were narrated by workers from schools, health services, childhood and adolescent organizations, and society organizations. The results allowed us to confirm the internal consistency between the narratives of the stories of institutional action and the opinions about the process of assistance and rights protection. The analysis of the histories of institutional action, in addition to coinciding with the background about assistance limitations, also made it possible to document actions that tend towards assistance and protection of rights based on the fabric of inter-institutional networks that reverse the fragmentation characteristic of the responses. The conclusions confirm the relevance of gender regulation in the configuration of the problem and reflect on the challenges faced by institutional support over time.


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How to Cite

Capriati, A. J. (2024). Societal responses and rights protection in cases of child sexual abuse: an analysis of community and service providers’ perspectives. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 27(4), 159–183. Retrieved from

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