Labor market and gender: an analysis of labor inequalities in light of Latin American structuralism (Argentina, 2017-2022)


  • Marcelo Alós Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Monserrat Serio Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Aging Economics, Economics of gender, Retirement


The proportion of older people in relation to the total population of Argentina creates challenges regarding the availability and productivity of labor supply. This paper explores the conditionals of the labor status of these people in Argentina. Based on data from INDEC's ENGHo 2018, the labor participation and the number of hours worked for this population are studied, discriminating by sex. This is done through the estimation of microeconometric models. They are identified as variables that act as conditioning factors age, health status, salary, the amount of pension and, to a lesser extent, and civil status. Reflecting, in some cases, differences between women and men. The conditional of the hours worked are calculated by estimating models by quantiles, finding differences according to sex and by the number of hours worked. Based on these results, public policies that impact the labor status can be outlined for this group of individuals to mitigate sex differences and the problems that population aging may pose.


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How to Cite

Alós, M., & Serio, M. (2024). Labor market and gender: an analysis of labor inequalities in light of Latin American structuralism (Argentina, 2017-2022). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 27(2), 71–96. Retrieved from