Labor Violence from a Gender Perspective in the Public Administration of the province of Corrientes


  • Verónica Itatí González Universidad Nacional del Nordeste


Mobbing, Gender, Woman, Public administration


This article analyzes the results of an investigation on labor violence from a gender perspective carried out in different organisms of the Public Administration of the province of Corrientes in the first fortnight of the month of December of the year 2017. The objective of this work is to analyze if the "gender" factor influences the appearance of mobbing situations in the public sector of this province. To account for this objective, the results of a survey of workers from several state agencies chosen at random are presented and analyzed, seeking to show if women are more exposed to this scourge, due to the existence of strong gender stereotypes that operate in the field of Public Administration in general, whose origin - in the opinion of several studies analyzed on the subject, would go back in the differences attributed to sex that are the bases for inequality, and the set of specific cultural characteristics that identify the social behavior of women and men and the relationships between them.


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How to Cite

González, V. I. (2018). Labor Violence from a Gender Perspective in the Public Administration of the province of Corrientes. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 21(4), 10–21. Retrieved from

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