Social policies of "attention" to the infancy and the adolescence in Viedma (2000-2006). The Proame


  • María Cristina Cabral Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Adolescence, Social policies, Practices.


The present work realizes a particular reading of certain transformations of the regime of accumulation in Argentina in the decade of the 90 and your impact in the social policies, especially in those directed to attending to the teen population. It recaptures for this analysis the experience developed in Viedma's city, the capital of the Province of Rio Negro, during the years 2000-2006 from the implementation of the projects called ProAMe –(Programa de Atención a Menores en Riesgo) Program of Attention to Minors in Risk-. These projects, directed to attending to the children and teenagers, were financed by the Inter-American Bank of Development and implemented by state organisms and not governmental organizations. To cross in this analysis the experience of the projects ProAMe helps to understand the economic - political dimension of a process in which there crystallize the way of national development and the limits of public policies expressed in the social policies. What leaves the implementation of the ProAMe in the province of Rio Negro they are debates opened on the attention of the childhood and the adolescence, and the need to formulate and implement public inclusive policies, in the frame of manners of regulation of the economy with fort he attends on the part of the state.


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How to Cite

Cabral, M. C. (2018). Social policies of "attention" to the infancy and the adolescence in Viedma (2000-2006). The Proame. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 11(1), 1–10. Retrieved from