About the concept of América Latina: a proposal to think bicentenaries’celebrations


  • Gizlene Neder Universidade Federal Fluminense Sede Niterói
  • Gisálio Cerqueira Filho Universidade Federal Fluminense Sede Niterói


Latin America, History of concept, Subjectivity & power, Political culture.


This issue focuses the comparative analyses on historical process of countries built through European modern colonization; it takes account cultural aspects and religion (Romanic Catholicism and Protestantism), and their relations with social, ideological and political choices of these countries. It aims to discuss the history of the concept of Latin America, supported in the contribution of Reinhart Koselleck; so it deals with the strong semantic process in different temporalities. The issue suggests the implications of affects (concerning a grammatical of political feelings), taking in account Latin American policy and subjectivity. Finally, the issue suggests the choice toward the multilateralism, as a necessity for the comprehension of legal cultural of the different nations, aiming the regional Latin American integration.


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How to Cite

Neder, G., & Cerqueira Filho, G. (2018). About the concept of América Latina: a proposal to think bicentenaries’celebrations. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 1–7. Retrieved from