The legs breaker mines: the chronicle "a country of mutilated" by alberto salcedo ramos


  • Ana Chehin Instituto de Estudios de Investigaciones sobre el Lenguaje y la Cultura; CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.


Chronicle, Salcedo Ramos, Violence, Colombia, Un país de mutilados


The contemporary chronicle prose shows the reality of different regions of Latin America and their complex social frameworks, where violence has become a daily experience. In front of the crisis of
meaning that it generates, the chronicle becomes a space of representation where the oral outcast knowledge of subjects who have been under extreme experiences have place.
The chronicle "A country of mutilated" of the Colombian writer Alberto Salcedo Ramos deals with one of the most complex and urgent problems of present day life in Colombia: the anti person
mines. This text organizes in the narration the experience of what cannot be said, that which although it is clearly shown in the bodies of the victims and the retina of the witnesses, it can't find
expression unless it is in the fragmented and teary testimony. This article proposes in the first place to make a route around the problem of the chronicle as a gender and later on search through which discursive strategies is violence represented in the mentioned chronicle taking into account the topology figurations proposed by Hayden White and the essential presence of the chronist as the
one who articulates the tale.


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How to Cite

Chehin, A. (2017). The legs breaker mines: the chronicle "a country of mutilated" by alberto salcedo ramos. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 17(2). Retrieved from