Illuminated trails. Myth and violence in contemporary peruvian novel


  • Aymará de Llano CELEHIS – Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Peruvian narrative, Sendero Luminoso, Violence, Myth


We observed two novel ways around the same referent: Sendero Luminoso ́s war in Peru since the eighties onwards. This paper considers how the inclusion of the myth, which will allow us to build
some initial hypotheses about how these Peruvian productions fall within the broad framework of Latin American literature. The novels selected are Candela quema luceros of Felix Huaman Cabrera
(1989), Rosa Cuchillo of Oscar Colchado Lucio (1997), on the other hand, La hora azul, Alonso Cueto (2005) and Sergio Abril rojo Roncagliolo (2007)


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How to Cite

de Llano, A. (2017). Illuminated trails. Myth and violence in contemporary peruvian novel. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from