Daily mobility: between production and social reproduction. An exploration of transportation practices of two women in Temuco


  • Hernán Riquelme Brevis Universidad Arturo Prat. Chile


Social production, Social reproduction, Daily mobility, Gender, Social inequality


Social life passes by such as in the relations of production and reproduction of material and symbolic conditions. According to theoretical consensus political-cultural exists strong tendency to separate spaces productive and reproductive in the socialization of subjects. In this research we reflect on the daily activities of two women in the city of Temuco, Chile, in order to observe their experiences traveling around the city. There are dissimilar practices and conceptions of the world at the moment of experiencing the city, such as socio-economic conditions and relationships with transportation and daily activities that women develop. This article, through a sociological approach, seeks to contribute to the mobility / gender discussion, from experiences of qualitative research.


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How to Cite

Riquelme Brevis, H. (2017). Daily mobility: between production and social reproduction. An exploration of transportation practices of two women in Temuco. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(4), 14–31. Retrieved from