Pampeanidades in dispute: speeches on regional identity in three pampeanas cultural journals


  • Claudia Salomón Tarquini
  • Florencia Prina
  • Soledad Andre Pérez


Journals, Regional identity, Provinces, Culture


Three journals are compared in this paper: Caldén, Huerquén and Lympha, edited by different social actors (such as different provincial governments, leftist militants and Catholic sectors) after La Pampa became a province, from the 1960s onwards. The main features of each publication, its editorial staff, and the way in which regional identity is portrayed are examined, showing that at least during the 1960s and the 1970s, such approaches were far from uniform. Instead, they were being built and had contested meanings.


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How to Cite

Tarquini, C. S., Prina, F., & Pérez, S. A. (2017). Pampeanidades in dispute: speeches on regional identity in three pampeanas cultural journals. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(3), 79–91. Retrieved from