Political irregularities in the end of the World. History, political parties and democratic transitions in Argentina and Chile


  • Rafael Eduardo Micheletti


Democracy, Transition, Political parties, Argentina, Chile


Through a combination of comparative method and case analysis, the present paper aims to highlight the importance of the nature of the dominant political parties for the development of a successful democratic transition. To do this, it will be necessary to outline an approach to a typology of political parties. Democratic transitions of Argentina and Chile will be compared making a previous historic tour. Additionally, it will be emphasized the success of Chile's democratic transition and the failure of the first stage of Argentina’s equivalent. This is explained by the tendency of populism to concentrate power and to dismantle and subordinate independent institutions, which makes accountability difficult and stimulates arbitrariness and legal insecurity. The main cause of this difference in outcome and duration of the mentioned democratic transitions would be the diversity of nature of the respective political parties systems, driven in turn by a historical greater extent of patronage and dependent social structure in Argentina.


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How to Cite

Micheletti, R. E. (2017). Political irregularities in the end of the World. History, political parties and democratic transitions in Argentina and Chile. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(2), 44–56. Retrieved from