Río Negro: Quantitative analysis of the evolution of the provincial public sector size and nature of the services provided. Years 1993-2013


  • Soledad Inés Herrera


Río Negro, Size of the public sector, Provided public services, Quantitative analysis


The present research article is part of the study of public sector economics. Between 1993 and 2013 aims to quantitatively analyze of the evolution of the provincial public sector size and nature of the services provided. Firstly some theoretical considerations related to the “Law of growth of state expenditures” are addressed. Secondly, methodological issues are discussed and an empirical analysis based on data from the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance of the Nation and the “Dirección de Estadisticas y Censos de Río Negro” are presented. This section includes estimations of the public sector size as well as the relative importance of public services such administration, security, social services, economics services and public debt. Finally, the results obtained are analyzed within the framework of historic context and normative economics of Fiscal Federalism.


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How to Cite

Herrera, S. I. (2017). Río Negro: Quantitative analysis of the evolution of the provincial public sector size and nature of the services provided. Years 1993-2013. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(2), 14–24. Retrieved from