Prison reform in “the subtropics of the republic” (tucumán, argentina, 1881-1927)


  • Luis González Alvo Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Ramón Leoni Pinto - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; CONICET.


History, Prison reform, Jails, Tucumán


This article seeks to contribute to prison reform studies in Argentina between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, taking the example of Tucumán province. The aims of this paper are to
provide an historical reconstruction of the penitentiary building process, to explore the reasons which prompted the Tucumán political class to undertake a work of this magnitude in early 1880, to analyze the speeches that supported the reform and the ways in which punishment transformation was carried out. Prison reform, understood as a punishment rationalization project, was far beyond
the construction of specialized buildings, it demanded the creation of an administrative infrastructure with significant budgets, a large number of qualified staff and a network of institutions, technical knowledge and social sciences discourses. All these factors have been mostly studied for Buenos Aires penitentiary but have hardly been studied in provincial cases. For this reason, the objective of this work is to study the origins of the penitentiary reform analyzing the
construction of the first penitentiary in Tucuman.


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How to Cite

González Alvo, L. (2017). Prison reform in “the subtropics of the republic” (tucumán, argentina, 1881-1927). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(2), 23–39. Retrieved from