Revisiting the nation-state`s issue in argentine history. Reflections from another perspective: the national territories


  • Orietta Favaro Cehepyc – CLACSO; Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Argentina


Nation, State, Territory-National, Bourgeoisie, Market


From considerations about the State and the provincial states, the objective of this article is to formulate some reflections about the nation state from another perspective, the national territories
in the historic reality of Argentina in the late nineteenth century - early twentieth century. The purpose is aimed at re thinking statements linked to the nation state, social classes and the market
when they are examined from a viewpoint which has been little considered in the discipline, providing a different view of the historical process. It is not a closed proposal; it is an invitation to
review enunciations that are made in Argentine history. This attempt is placed away from the hegemonic status within historiography, which made for much of the last century that most of
research works focus on Litoral and Pampa Humeda and project nationwide, even using semantic twists or inflection points of the historical processes of significant events located in those areas.
The main consideration of the proposal starts from the statement that in 1880 -the historicknot in most studies- it would have materialized the configuration of the national state, the national
bourgeoisie and the national market.


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How to Cite

Favaro, O. (2017). Revisiting the nation-state`s issue in argentine history. Reflections from another perspective: the national territories. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(1), 63–77. Retrieved from