Heterogeneity and gender inequalities in Health Sector: between statistics and perceptions about working conditions


  • Eliana Laura Aspiazu


Health sector, Work conditions, Gender, Inequalities


Health is an activity that is characterized by its heterogeneity, with agreat burden of care in the tasks and is composed mostly by women, while it is crossed by multiple deficits in working conditions and deep gender inequalities. This article investigates working conditions in the
health sector from a gender perspective, from available statistics and in- depth interviews to workers and union leaders. The analysis combines quantitative and qualitative data about inequalities in the labor market between men and women and the perceptions and discourses about the labor field, in order to identify progress and constraints in mainstreaming a gender perspective in the sector.


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How to Cite

Aspiazu, E. L. (2017). Heterogeneity and gender inequalities in Health Sector: between statistics and perceptions about working conditions. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(1), 55–66. Retrieved from