Regional development in the cuenca neuquina unconventional oil and many challenges


  • Graciela Landriscini Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Regional development, Unconventional hydrocarbons, SMEs, Change processes, Networks


The article discusses the case of neuquino development and challenges faced by SMEs providers of oilfield services to the development of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. Considerations about new approaches to the determinants of development that put the shaft in the productive and institutional change and social functioning, involving the question of knowledge, innovation and organizational learning network are presented. It uses the extended evolutionary framework, valorising the qualitative and intangible factors and consideration of the different scales in these processes, combining micro and meso level of analysis, added to the traditional view of the macro dimension. In its development, as part of an ongoing investigation, secondary sources have been
consulted and have conducted interviews with public and private stakeholders, of which primary information has been obtained. Some keys are discussed in relation to the change processes underway at different scales; especially about the innovative and organizational complexes in productive natural resources associated with global value chains, in the light of the changes to sectorial, institutional and market dynamics level, as part of networks and frames with different
modes of governance. Interested inquire about tensions involving such processes, recognizing the links between technological change, complexity and institutions.


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How to Cite

Landriscini, G. (2017). Regional development in the cuenca neuquina unconventional oil and many challenges. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(1), 50–62. Retrieved from