Corrientes teóricas para el estudio de la acción sindical

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Agustín Gotelli


Debates on collective action and contemporary political subjects have generated a set of theoretical tools for the study of collective action and social movements, expanding field’s theoretical-analytical horizons. In this essay we briefly review the approaches that have been employed in studying social movements, with a particular focus on labor unions. In the first section we will refer to the political process approach and its most recent innovations at the international level. Then we analyze the theoretical models used in union studies in Argentina, such as that of power resources and political exchange. Finally, we explore some theoretical contributions by Laclau (2005), from which the study of labor unions’ collective action draws.


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How to Cite
Gotelli, A. (2023). Corrientes teóricas para el estudio de la acción sindical. (En)clave Comahue. Revista Patagónica De Estudios Sociales, 30(29). Retrieved from