In search of the lost order: the Neuquén security policy after the murder of Carlos Fuentealba (2008-2011)

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María Dolores Sancho


This article aims to account for the security policy developed by the Neuquén Party- State in the context after the murder of teacher Carlos Fuentealba during the repression of a protest by the Association of Education Workers of Neuquén (ATEN) in April, 2007. The central hypothesis of this paper is that the security policies developed during the first term of Jorge Sapag (2007-2011) are linked to the need of the Neuquén Popular Movement (MPN) to recompose the social order and maintain its hegemony as a "guarantor of social peace" in that framework of great social turbulence. From our point of view, this explains the fact that Sapag's security plan differs from that of his predecessor, Jorge Sobisch, by emphasizing respect for human rights and constitutional guarantees. The methodology used in this work is qualitative and is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews, official documents –government plans, laws, official bulletins, among others– and diaries of legislative sessions.


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How to Cite
Sancho, M. D. (2022). In search of the lost order: the Neuquén security policy after the murder of Carlos Fuentealba (2008-2011). (En)clave Comahue. Revista Patagónica De Estudios Sociales, 29(28). Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Dolores Sancho, FADECS – CEHEPYC – FAHU

Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Licenciada en Sociología por la misma universidad. Magíster en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades con mención en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Docente e investigadora de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (FADECS-UNCo).