Higher Education Internationalization: Concepts, Rationales, and Frameworks


  • Jane Knight University of Toronto


internationalization, concepts, rationales, analytical frameworks, strategies


This article presents different analytical frameworks to understand the key concepts, elements and new developments in internationalization and to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this evolving multifaceted process. The analysis includes a discussion of the meaning of internationalization, key actors, changing rationales and expectations, strategies related to internationalization on campus and abroad, and a look at new developments and innovations. Any examination of internationalization needs to consider the differences among countries and regions of the world recognizing that priorities, rationales,  approaches, risks and benefits differ between east and west, north and south, sending and receiving, developed and developing countries. Acknowledging the importance and uniqueness of local context is critical and suggests internationalization must be customized to the local situation and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to internationalization is not appropriate.


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Biografia do Autor

Jane Knight, University of Toronto

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. University of Toronto


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Como Citar

Knight, J. (2021). Higher Education Internationalization: Concepts, Rationales, and Frameworks. Revista REDALINT. Universidade, Internacionalização E Integração Regional, 1(1), 65–88. Recuperado de




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