Between drive and body, politics of transfer. Subjectivation and desubjectivation in the current times


  • Patricia Weigandt Biblioteca Central UNCo


Drive, Body, Politics of (S) ubjectivation, Transfer


Of the many edges that we could approach about the body or bodies, we will locate that fundamental for the human of which we are concerned, its political dimension, which in our discipline takes center stage in the privileged link to which Freud called transference. The echoes of that Other that whispers even in the drive, and our love offer, will allow that body, human, to be present, despite the tendency to download to zero in the busy times that are running. We will evoke and invoke a couple of vignettes of the actuality of the practice, coming from the analyst´s office and practices that we will call extension clinic, from the research work of the Project belonging to the National University of Comahue, Atlantic Zone Regional Center, entitled : "Present sufferings in childhoods / adolescences. (2014-2018) The place of institutional approaches: community work before what resists” (PIV094) led by Dr. Patricia Weigandt and co-directed by B.A. And Prof. Marina La Vecchia, which is in its period of completion. It gives rise to a new section of research that we have entitled "Destinations of (s) ubjectivation in childhood / s and adolescence / s, intersections and community"


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How to Cite

Weigandt, P. (2018). Between drive and body, politics of transfer. Subjectivation and desubjectivation in the current times. EL HORMIGUERO Psicoanálisis" Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from



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