Awakening and writing. Sigismund Freud: his young letters


  • Ariel Pernicone Biblioteca Central UNCo


Adolescence, Psychoanalysis, Awakening, Writing


In the present article, Ariel Pernicone shares a singular research about the young Freud. Freud is seen from pubertal, sexual intimacy and some of his deepest curiosity and restlessness that would go on taking shape in his researches. Much of these were gathered from his correspondence with his friend Eduard Silberstein. The author settles that “those interchanges give an account of the awakening of Freud´s sexual experiences and the ongoing of his adolescent feeling, his first passionate loves, his romantic dreams, as well as a fair brushstroke of his early interest on philosophy and poetry, that wasn´t exempted from the enjoyment, sense of humor, and particularly, his curiosity about the enigma of femininity”. The trace proposed by the author considers aspects related to pubertal metamorphosis, sexual awakening, exploring of desire and writing advent considering the presence of some symptoms as a possible response in adolescence. The writing refers to several authors: Freud, Lacan, Duras, Wedekin, García, among others. Storming and drive are central concepts related to adolescence according to the author. The article also includes a clinical vignette from the analytical work with an eleven year old boy.


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Wedekind, F. (1891) El despertar de la primavera. Tragedia infantil. Buenos Aires. Argentina: Letra Viva.

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How to Cite

Pernicone, A. (2018). Awakening and writing. Sigismund Freud: his young letters. EL HORMIGUERO Psicoanálisis" Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from



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