
  • Diana Martín Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Rita de Pascuale Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Cognitive construction, Rules and norms, Subject of the teaching, Exchange


The written present comes off from the conclusions to those that have arrived in different investigation projects, of the Ability of Sciences of the Education (UNComahue). The purpose is to give bill of the journey carried out during one decade, to approach the problem of the construction cognitive in the half level, sustained conceptually from the theory of the activity. This problem has been investigated from different components, such as the rules and norms, the subject of the teaching and the exchanges that are gestated among the actors of the school practice. These different entrance doors, gave origin to each one of the projects of which we are part and that in this article they are synthesized. At the moment one is working in another of the components as they are the tools, considered particularly as didactic activities.


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How to Cite

Martín, D. ., & de Pascuale, R. . (2006). DIFFERENT ENTRANCE DOORS TO TACKLE THE COGNITIVE CONSTRUCTION. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 3(1), 1–12. Retrieved from

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