La Belle Créole by Maryse Condé or how de-exoticize Guadeloupe


  • María Celeste Biorda Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos


Maryse Condé, Insularity, Exoticism, Stereotype


The Caribbean islands, to the extent that they embody a number of stereotypes “that define their specificity, strangeness and charm”, constitute what Staszak calls a “geo-semantic domain” born out of exoticism (2008; 20). Indeed, they appear in the Western imagination as islands of lush vegetation, a climate conducive to sensuality, and a certain Creole well-being associated with laziness, as exemplified, for instance, in Baudelaire's poem “L’invitation au voyage” [Invitation to the Voyage].
Although exoticism is defined less as the characteristic of an object than as someone's viewpoint on it, certain territories have undergone a process of exoticization by the West, which, through conquest and colonial domination, has made London and Paris an “absolute here (...) against which an absolute elsewhere is defined” (Staszak: 2008; 9). Fortunately, there are strategies to overcome exoticism, as Staszak notes (2008: 28-29), some of which are employed by Maryse Condé in La Belle Créole [The belle créole]. Our goal here is to explore how the author goes about reversing the exotic gaze that weighs upon the island, or at least refocusing it with the aim of de-exoticizing it.


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Author Biography

María Celeste Biorda, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos

Profesora de Francés (FHAyCS-UADER); continuó su formación en Letras en Toulouse, donde realizó una Licenciatura y alcanzó el grado de Máster con especialidad en investigación en Lenguas, Letras y Artes. Actualmente se desempeña como docente del Profesorado y el Traductorado en Francés (FHAYCS, UADER), en las cátedras del trayecto literario. Desde 2013, lleva adelante investigaciones que indagan las memorias silenciadas en novelas de autores del Caribe francófono y del África Subsahariana.


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Condé, M. (2001). La Belle Créole, Paris: Mercure de France. Coll. Folio Gallimard.

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Genette, G. (1987), Seuils, París: Seuil.

Dufays, J. L. (1994). “Stéréotype et littérature: l’inéluctable va et vient”. In Le Stéréotype: Crise et transformations. pp. 77-89. Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen.

Meistersheim, A. (2006). “Le Malentendu. Entre imaginaire insulaire et imaginaire continental”, in Ethnologie française 2006/3 (Vol. 36), pp. 503-508. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Moura, J-M. (1998). La littérature des lointains. Histoire de l’exotisme européen au XXe siècle. Paris: Honoré Champion.

Staszak, J-F. (2008). “Qu’est-ce que l’exotisme?”. In Le Globe, Revue genevoise de géographie, vol. 148, pp. 7-30. Disponible en :



How to Cite

Biorda, M. C. (2024). La Belle Créole by Maryse Condé or how de-exoticize Guadeloupe. Language and Literature Magazine, (42), 106–117. Retrieved from