Fractured Identity in La Voyeuse Interditeby Nina Bouraoui
Identity, Confinement, Patriarchalism, Imagination, Bodily disciplineAbstract
Identity is something that evolves in the protagonist Frika, fluctuating from an experience of confinement that leads her to cultivate her imagination, a previous step to her activity of writer, to rebellion that leads her to a freeand overcomingdevelopment of her personality. Betweenthese twoextremes, the contrasts thatshowtheoutside world and theinsideof the house to which the entire single Muslim woman life is reduced, the identity fights against the ancestral and patriarchal impositions is shaped. In the confinement where womenlive,they see their destiny in the older one, that is also a figure of death, because she is opposite to life and sex. Confinement and silence is the outrageousduo from whichyoung womencanget outthroughan arranged marriage, in an exercise of male power to discipline bodies.
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