Argentinians in the Lux Hotel

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Andreas L Doeswijk


The Russian Revolution was seen by the left spectrum, going from the anarchists to the revolutionary populists and from the bolsheviks to the social-democrats, as the universal revolution or as the singing of the Red Rooster announcing in the East the Revolution that was going to break out in the West. Therefore, it is not  surprising that the first messengers of that Revolution were received here with anxiety and disputed by anarchists and internationalist socialists. Also, the travelers to Moscow- who were staying in the legendary Lux Hotel- either anarcho bolsheviks or internationalists, had the mission of giving testimony of the “proven revolution” success. We have tried to sound out in this story, loaded with distance and hope, in which way each social and political sector did its own
interpretation of what they saw or what was shown to them, obviously, based on
their own social and, or political utopies.


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How to Cite
Doeswijk, A. L. (2017). Argentinians in the Lux Hotel. Revista De Historia, (18), 4–31. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andreas L Doeswijk, División Nuevas Tecnologías Biblioteca Central Francisco P. Moreno Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Católica de La Plata, Magister y Doctor en Historia Social  del Trabajo por la Universidad de Campinas, Brasil. Fue docente en la Universidad Estatal de Maringá y en la  Universidad Estatal Paulista de Assis, ambas de Brasil; y de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén y Bariloche, Argentina.


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