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In search of the Truth. Aristotle in the Footsteps of Plato.



Aristotle, Plato, Truth, Friendship, Dialectics, Confrontation


Aristotle's dialectical examination of the thought of his predecessors has been, as is known, the target of harsh criticism that questions his intellectual honesty and the value of his historical-philosophical inquiry. Without intending to delve into the topic of the nature and functions of Aristotelian dialectics itself, I will address its treatment specifically in the light of Silvana Di Camillo's interpretation, as a tribute to her career. I will argue, in agreement with the author and as a result of my own analysis of the corresponding sources, that Aristotle's investigation of the philosophies of his predecessors and, especially, that of Plato, has as its sole and main purpose 'the search for truth. and the advancement of knowledge' through a dialectical confrontation that leads him to offer alternative responses to the difficulties he encounters, thus building a new explanatory model of reality. To this end, I will analyse Aristotle's criticisms of early thinkers in Metaphysics I 3, those directed at the Platonic theory of Ideas, both in Metaphysics I 9 and in On Ideas and finally, the criticism of the Idea of the Good in Nicomachean Ethics I 6. On this basis, I will show how the Stagirite privileges 'the truth' when, according to him, in honor of it, he must go against his teacher. However, I will remember that it is Plato before Aristotle who emphasizes the primacy of truth over friendship when he says that “a man shouldn’t be honored more than the truth”, for example, in Republic X 595c. Finally, I will conclude that it is with the help of Plato that Aristotle advances his investigation by always keeping the torch of truth lit.


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Author Biography

Flavia Gilda Gioia, Departamento de Filosofía Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Buenos Aires

FLAVIA GILDA GIOIA es Profesora de Enseñanza Secundaria, Normal y Especial en Filosofía por la Universidad de Bs. As. Doctoranda en Filosofía (UBA), con Tesis en curso: “Modo de vida y práctica argumentativa en Platón. Una lectura a partir del Fedón”. Actualmente, es docente de “Historia de la Filosofía Antigua” (FFyL-UBA) y ha sido Profesora titular de esta asignatura en el Instituto Superior del Prof. “Dr. Joaquín V. González”. Ha formado parte de numerosos proyectos de investigación y ha participado en congresos nacionales e internacionales de su especialidad. Sus publicaciones versan, especialmente, sobre la filosofía platónica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Gioia, F. G. (2024). In search of the Truth. Aristotle in the Footsteps of Plato. Páginas De Filosofía, 24(27). Retrieved from



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