Psychosocial appreciations in Argentina


  • Dora Laino Universidad Nacional del Córdoba


Chaining of identifications, Situated habits, Differentiated action schemas.


There is a chain of identifications, a chain of habit development and a chain of action schemas that explain psychosocially differential features between those who integrated traditional landowner families and those European immigrants that arrived in Argentina and constituted the middle class. Likewise, there are psychosocially differential features between both of these groups and the original inhabitants. Identifications with the significant others that make up the group belonging lead to develop habits in the same shared place and differentiated schemas, according to those common practices in a world interpreted from intersubjective exchanges that constitute and transmit culture. Likes, actions and habits are socially constructed, not biologically inherited.


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How to Cite

Laino, D. (2020). Psychosocial appreciations in Argentina. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 23(4), 132–138. Retrieved from