Evolution of assets and tax liabilities: an approximation to its impact with the implementation of IFRS


  • Galo Hernán García Tamayo Universidad de los Andes


Tax assets, Deferred Tax, IFRS, Tax liabilities


The section 29 of the IFRS for SMEs is one of the most controversial rules in the world. This discord is due to the accounting model of Income Tax to be applied in small and medium-sized companies. These standards require the recognition of Deferred Tax under the balance sheet approach for the recording of Income Tax. The problem generated is the cost benefit of applying this methodology in SMEs, since the benefit of its application would not exceed the associated costs of its registration. The objective of this research is to analyze from the quantitative point of view, whether from the accounting point of view the evolution of both fiscal assets and tax liabilities has changed, as a consequence of the entry into force of section 29 Income Taxes. After applying the appropriate statistics, the results show that there has not been a significant change in the evolution of fiscal assets and liabilities; what gives us to understand, that in a first approximation, the recognition of the deferred tax under the balance approach is not useful for the decision making of the users


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How to Cite

García Tamayo, G. H. (2019). Evolution of assets and tax liabilities: an approximation to its impact with the implementation of IFRS. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 22(2), 1–12. Retrieved from