Different uses of the verb to give: analysis from a (neo) constructionist model


  • Paola Galbarini CURZA - Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


Minimalism, (Neo)-constructionism, Light verbs.


This article addresses some syntactic constructions in which appears the verb dar (give), traditionally considered a light verb. These constructions will be analysed from a (neo)constructionists perspective (Borer 2005). This approach enables to explain a variety of uses of the verb dar: the transitive ones (telic and atelic) and those interpreted as complex predicate (dar vuelta). However, this perspective does not provide a clear explanation for a stative usage in Rioplatense Spanish that has emerged in recent times (camisa blanca da más doctora)


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How to Cite

Galbarini, P. (2017). Different uses of the verb to give: analysis from a (neo) constructionist model. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 20(4), 1–17. Retrieved from

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