Natural equality, artificial inequality? Hobbes, the problem of egalitarianism and the fictions of 'as if'


  • Julián Zícari Universidad de Buenos Aires


Hobbes, Nature, State, Equality


This paper will seek to question the place of natural equality in the work of Hobbes. To do this, first we will try to trace the characterizations Hobbes overlooking equality and inequality within the state of nature to analyze the complex convolutions that intertwines his approach. Thus, in a later section, it will seek to explain that these oscillations do not allow you to fully justify Hobbes natural equality among individuals, although this must necessarily be a requirement for theoretical exposition. Therefore, and to solve this dilemma between necessity and lack of adequate justification, we note that the civil order is established after simulating the necessary fiction of natural equality doing "as if" it actually existed. Finally, the paper will close with some conclusions.


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How to Cite

Zícari, J. (2017). Natural equality, artificial inequality? Hobbes, the problem of egalitarianism and the fictions of ’as if’. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 20(2), 68–78. Retrieved from

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