“The smaller the town, the bigger the fuss”: conceptions of everyday life in a village


  • Mercedes Saccone Centro de Estudios Antropológicos en Contextos Urbanos – Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos.


Village, Conceptions, Everyday Life, Families, Schools


In this paper, based on results of a socio-anthropological research about the relationship between families and schools on a small town in the south of Santa Fe, we will describe the conceptions of
everyday life in a village that build their inhabitants. Among the aspects analyzed we emphasize the presence of an imaginary linked to ideal feelings of “tranquility”, “harmony”, “solidarity”, presented in opposition to life in the big city. Also emerge conceptions about the “others” that have peculiarities linked to local processes, always permeated by general processes. From this description we can get closer to some features that acquire sociability and relationships between the people in these urban spaces.


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How to Cite

Saccone, M. (2017). “The smaller the town, the bigger the fuss”: conceptions of everyday life in a village. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 17(2). Retrieved from