Cyril connolly essayist: a critique of taste


  • Eugenio Conchez Silva Universidad Nacional del La Pampa/ CONICET


Essay, Self figuration, Criticism, Taste


Cyril Connolly’s heterogeneous textual production, with its thematic, stylistic and formal variety, is set in the ways of essays; proteinic form- its generic conception is- can be considered a privileged
space of tensions. In the essay the critic is confused with the writer and vice versa, and his relations with reading- which turns into writing– the communication of a statute of truth, value and
experience, turns problematic, as it doesn’t agree with the academically supported protocols of theory. Hybrid genre, free way and hardly restrictive, is presented as able for the unfolding writing
in multiple levels; thus, applies its critic function by creativity means, no longer of theoretical application: aesthetic language, as long as literature candidate, and language of experience, as
emphasis of partial, the essay is, in Connolly’s work, a scenery to be weaved as a character: a man of letters and his tastes.


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How to Cite

Conchez Silva, E. (2017). Cyril connolly essayist: a critique of taste. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from