Narrating, test: think. Vague geographies in alejandro rossi’s work


  • Silvina Celeste Fazio CURZA – Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Essay, Fiction, Autobiography, Intellection, Ordinariness


This paper exposes a critical analysis of texts included in two works by Alejandro Rossi: Manual del distraído (1978) and Cartas credenciales (1999). The purpose of the approach is to determine how the textual geography of this writer is constructed from the convergence of essay, autobiography and fictional story under a provision that questions the literary conventions. Argues, on the other hand, how his personal style, which ponders the aesthetic and argumentative word, forms a way of approximation to the reality represented, emphasizing the daily thing and the seemingly trivial
thing to give privilege to a new wisdom. The axis of the proposal consists of postulating an essay reading of the texts that are included in the analyzed works to attend a writing of diffuse borders in that are inscribed, harmonically, imagination and intellection.
Key words: Essay; Fiction; Autobiography; Intellection; Ordinariness.


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How to Cite

Fazio, S. C. (2017). Narrating, test: think. Vague geographies in alejandro rossi’s work. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from