The tel quel space and the construction of an elusive discursivity


  • Sonia Bertón Universidad Nacional de La Pampa


Francia, Post- Structuralism, Tel Quel, Author, Discursivities


Though it has been widely recognized for the array of renowned intellectuals it gathered, Tel Quel, whose first number was published in France in March 1960, could be said to be just the point of
emergence of a discourse built in the intersection of not only varied fields - Psychoanalysis, Literary Theory, Literature, Philosophy- but also various voices and enunciations. There was in fact a “Tel
Quel space,” grounded on a site of productive debate, confrontation, and borrowing. Drawing on a series of relevant works, I describe in this article the particular way of writing of the Tel Quel group
as one in which the “author” swayed among different individual voices. Each of these generated a discourse that transcended individuality but that at the same time engendered, by means of
intertextuality and allusion, a collective author, the Tel Quel space, the basis on which they founded discursivities that have transcended time and disciplines.


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How to Cite

Bertón, S. (2017). The tel quel space and the construction of an elusive discursivity. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from