Activism and neighborhood organization. Chileans in the argentinean patagonia towards the 1980s


  • José Daniel Benclowicz IIDyPCa – Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; IDH – Universidad Nacional del Comahue; CONICET.
  • Fernando Aiziczon IIDyPCa – Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; IDH – Universidad Nacional del Comahue; CONICET.


Patagonia, Argentine, Activism, Chilean exiled, Neighborhood organization


This paper proposes an approach to the role of the Chilean activism in the organization of popular neighborhoods in the Argentinian Patagonia towards the 1980s. We use as case studies two of the largest cities of the region: Neuquén, capital of the province with the same name, and San Carlos de Bariloche, located in the province of Rio Negro. Based on the analysis of statistical data, legislation, neighborhood newsletters and oral interviews, among other sources, we analyze paradigmatic experiences of neighborhood organization of those years in both cities, where Chilean immigrants with previous experiences of activism played a key role.


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How to Cite

Benclowicz, J. D., & Aiziczon, F. (2017). Activism and neighborhood organization. Chileans in the argentinean patagonia towards the 1980s. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(2), 82–97. Retrieved from