Residential logics and migrations in San Carlos de Bariloche: an interseccionality approach


  • Brenda Matossian


Socioterritorial inequalities, International Neighborhoods, San Carlos de Bariloche, Urban integration, Brenda Matossian migrants,


San Carlos de Bariloche is a medium-size city in the Northern Andean Patagonia, recognized as a global tourist destination. Its fast population growth and urban sprawl, poorly planned, in the last 60 years have generated complex socioterritorial inequalities. Migrants, both international and internal ones, which arrived during these decades with different motivations and socioeconomic conditions, were main actors in
these dynamics. This article studies the urban integration of these heterogeneous populations through qualitative methodologies and secondary sources analysis. This aim requires a comprehensive approach; that is why the concept of intersectionality was chosen, understood as a complex system of unequal structures which are multiple and
simultaneous. Aspects regarding migrants’ residential logics spatiality’s and sociability in different neighborhoods are analyzed from different dimensions. This study perspective that focus on migrants urban integration processes, considering both origin and class inequalities
simultaneously, seeks to avoid biased interpretations that concentrates only in one of the dimensions.


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How to Cite

Matossian, B. (2017). Residential logics and migrations in San Carlos de Bariloche: an interseccionality approach. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(2), 1–13. Retrieved from