Poscolonialism and human rights in east asia. The case of sex slaves of the imperial Japanese army: from forced prostitution to humanitarian feminism


  • María del Pilar Álvarez CONICET; Universidad del Salvador; Universidad de Tres de Febrero. Argentina


Human rights, Comfort woman, Historical memory, Poscolonialism, East Asia


This article attempt to explore one of the most controversial postcolonial issues in East Asia: the case of former sex slaves of the Imperial Japanese Army. What was the system of the comfort
woman? Who were the kidnapped women? Why did they silence their traumatic memories for so many years? Why has the Japanese government a negative attitude? Through a historical and
political analysis, this work suggests that the internationalization of the conflict has shift the paradigm of cognition. The new Humanitarian feminism narrative repositions the claims in terms of
gender (integrity of women) and Human Rights. From this perspective, the case study is included as
other violations of women during war time, and the universalization of woman rights. The trasnationalization of the controversy revitalizes the ongoing struggle while suggesting new political


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How to Cite

del Pilar Álvarez, M. (2017). Poscolonialism and human rights in east asia. The case of sex slaves of the imperial Japanese army: from forced prostitution to humanitarian feminism. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(1), 14–24. Retrieved from